Friday, August 19, 2011

If you could talk to me from the inside, I bet you'd say:

Dear Mom,
Sorry about all the dairy products you've been craving. I know you're not a huge fan, but I'm loving it!
Love, 2.0

Dear Mom,
Just remember, it's normal to be more sick when it's a girl. And when you see me in a few weeks, all the throwing up the whole pregnancy will be totally worth it.
Love, 2.0

Dear Mom,
I know you've become quite a worrier over the past year or so, and you're really scared of being overwhelmed and messing up when you have two to take care of. Just remember, babies are resilient, and patient. We'll be just fine.
Love, 2.0

Dear Mom,
What's with all the spicy food?? I'm NOT asking for that. Maybe you should lay off a little.
Love, 2.0

Dear Mom,
I think I want to be a champion figure skater when I grow up. That's why I'm constantly doing triple salchows in your belly. And I feel like 3AM-5AM is the best time to practice. I hope that works for you.
Love, 2.0

Dear Mom,
Thanks for touching your belly and talking to me. I know sometimes it seems weird, but I can hear you and feel you and I know you love me.
Love. 2.0

Dear Mom,
You know that aching pain you've been having in your lower back and tailbone? I'm afraid it's here to stay, and maybe even get worse, at least until I'm out. Just enjoy the massage/chiropractor days!
Love, 2.0

Dear Mom,
See you in 12 weeks! (Give or take.)
Love, 2.0

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