Monday, March 26, 2012

4 a few days

These days you....


-Smile all the time, and at everyone

-Don't love being held by men, except dad

-suck on everything

-are the drooliest baby I've ever seen

-enjoy the bath

-get so happy when Garrett pays attention to you

-sometimes fuss if you can't see mom

-take 2 naps a day (over 2 hours each) and sometimes a short 3rd one.

-wake up once a night to eat, after about 7 hours of sleep

-have rolled over a couple times, and roll onto your side all the time

-love your fingers

-pull my hair a lot

-have very strong legs and neck

-don't like being swaddled anymore

-eat (A LOT) ...I've called you a bottomless pit a few times

-have new hair fuzz growing in, still have a little balled spot on the back of your head

-still have blue eyes and strawberry blond hair

-when being bottle fed, you don't like being in cradle position. You either need to be held more upright, or even lounging in the boppy... it kinda makes me sad that you're already getting more 'independent' about feeding, and I wish you still liked to be snuggled and fed

-seem interested in solid food, (sometimes grab at food, and watch people eat plate to mouth, plate to mouth) but I still want to wait a few more weeks

We went to the doctor today for your 4 month well check (and Garrett's 18 month well check).You...

-weigh 13lbs. 7oz (50th %)

-are 24.25" tall (50th %)

-head is 43.75 cm (97th %)
You're so chill when I want to do face squish with you. It's this thing I made up where I smash our cheeks together and say "little baby face squish!" Then I kiss your cheeks, neck and ears and do it over and over again.St. Patrick's DayA dress I made for you, that won't fit for a couple years.A shirt I made for you from some leftover fabric from another project.Such strong little legs!Our family over nighter to Palm Springs. You did great on this trip. Slept in the car, long naps, slept all night, enjoyed riding in the stroller. Very go with the flow.I love you little Addie-cake.

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