Saturday, August 4, 2012

Circus and a Luau

I braved it, and took you and Garrett to the Circus by myself.  We went with friends, but no dad to help in the event of a double meltdown.  It went perfectly.  You liked it more than I thought.  And although you got tired, you lasted until the drive home before falling asleep.  The only problem was that there was popcorn all over the floor so I couldn't put you down and let you crawl. I held you (and sometimes your brother, too) the entire time!  We had a suite, so there was plenty of open space to play.

 My massage therapist had a birthday party for her son and we went to it.  You're just like your brother in the water.  Splashing everywhere, crawling in it, not minding if you take a little too much in the face or eyes, being fine if it's cold, and never wanting to get out.  Grandma came too, and it was a lot of fun to watch you play now that you're much more mobile.  There was also a dog there that made you laugh.  I thought you'd be afraid of it being down on the ground and so close, but you grabbed it and let it get close to you and didn't mind at all.

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