Today marks a half of a year that you've been in our family. Craziness.I love you so much little Lulu. Yesterday I told dad, "This stage that Lulu is at right now makes me want to have another baby, and then another one once a year after that."Fortunately, your older brother and his toddler-ness cancels out that desire at the moment. I think that's a good thing because I'm happy with just the two of you!You are so happy these days. Your smile is contagious, your laugh is contagious, and your chubby little cheeks just make me happy all day long.This month you've started babbling a lot. Mostly Ga-ga and Da-da. I think this is earlier than your brother started, but I really can't remember. It's so cute.
You get a little more balanced sitting up everyday.You wake up happy and you go to sleep (most of the time) happy.
You're at the stage where it's easy to calm you down if you do cry, but you cry less and less.Dad's aunt, uncle, and cousins are in town right now and after spending 2 or 3 days with then, his Aunt Joyce was holding you and she said, "Does she ever cry? I haven't once heard her cry." Those words are music to my ears. I'm loving this laid back, happy, go-with-the-flow baby you've become.You're sleeping about 8 hours at night, then a quick feeding, then 3 more hours of sleep.
You nap twice a day, for about 2 hours at each nap.We haven't started solid food yet, and I'm kind of dragging my feet on that one. Probably in the next couple of weeks.
You have super strong legs and can stand when we prop you up so you can hold on to something.You still drool through 3 or 4 bibs a day. And you've started this new fun activity of puckering your lips and blowing spit.
You had your first real experience with sand and ocean water.You suck your toes all the time.You grab everything in sight.
You have the cutest lips I've ever seen.I think you'll be able to hold your own with your brother. When you grab at him, he seems more scared of you than you even have of him. But I think he likes you most of the time.Oh sweet Lulu, you are so beautiful. I hope you always know, and believe that. I love you baby girl.
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